by compitavadmin | Apr 18, 2022 | Employers/Emplyees, How To and Tips, Uncategorized, Work
IMAGE SOURCE: Google Drive is more than a file-sharing platform. It allows you to streamline your work in ways you never thought were possible. Learn how it can help boost workplace productivity. Did you know that something as...
by compitavadmin | Apr 15, 2022 | Cyber Security, How To and Tips, Uncategorized, Work
All VoIP systems require a stable internet connection to function properly. Unfortunately, their reliability on the internet makes them vulnerable to various security issues. Some of the most frequent ones include: SECURITY ISSUE #1. DENIAL OF SERVICE Denial of...
by compitavadmin | Apr 12, 2022 | How To and Tips, Uncategorized
IMAGE SOURCE: Unified communications is an all-in-one platform that unifies phone, video, screen sharing, chat, and file management into a single space. It’s a ready-to-use system that allows for seamless...
by compitavadmin | Jul 14, 2020 | How To and Tips
As you have migrated a lot of your data to more, fluid, solutions that allow your employees and contractors to work remotely for compliance and regulations with CDC COVID-19 guidelines you may have had some help to ensure things are transitioned correctly, but if...
by compitavadmin | Apr 23, 2020 | How To and Tips
COVID-19 Resources for you and your companyAs things attempt to go back to a sense of normalcy there’s a few things that we have learned from this pandemic, for better or worse. Our clients who adopted all cloud solutions prior to this happening reported...
by compitavadmin | Mar 12, 2020 | How To and Tips
Alright, so your pc or mac won’t get online so you went on your smartphone to figure out why. Here’s the main things you need to check; Are you using a cable or is it connected to the wireless? (if you don’t know I’ll show you how...