HiPAA Compliance with Technology 2020

As you have migrated a lot of your data to more, fluid, solutions that allow your employees and contractors to work remotely for compliance and regulations with CDC COVID-19 guidelines you may have had some help to ensure things are transitioned correctly, but if...

How to Effectively Work From Home

COVID-19 Resources for you and your companyAs things attempt to go back to a sense of normalcy there’s a few things that we have learned from this pandemic, for better or worse.  Our clients who adopted all cloud solutions prior to this happening reported...

Is your pc or mac not getting online?

Alright, so your pc or mac won’t get online so you went on your smartphone to figure out why. Here’s the main things you need to check; Are you using a cable or is it connected to the wireless?   (if you don’t know I’ll show you how...